Thursday, October 31, 2019
Lewis and Clarks attitudes toward Native Americans Essay
Lewis and Clarks attitudes toward Native Americans - Essay Example For Jefferson, he required maximizing their time looking for the natural resources and while learning more about the geographic of the American Interiors. Moreover, Jefferson required that they treat the natives America with kindness and establish a good relationship that would culminate to winning over their trust. This was a different tactic from that that the British exploration was using in their quest for American territory. Jefferson, Lewis, and Clark found an established natives in Mandan villages. The native had organized businesses and favorable settlement. For them, they required little effort to create rapport with the population of about 5000 natives. After they have spent the winter in the native’s villages, Clark and Lewis brought a new disease that wiped the entire populations of the natives. They unwittingly wipe away local natives by 1830s. However, except for the interruption of the native by the white disease Lewis and Clark had to achieve most of the things they were required to collect by President Jefferson. They had a wonderful time with a native, and they would feel lonely when they could not find any of Indians to talk to. More than the expectation of Jefferson, Clark, and Lewis were able not only to gather ethnographic data, but they established a relationship that later defined the expansion of Jefferson administration. Jefferson though had instructed Lewis and Clark to relate well with the native had his worst among the natives. He feared that they would end his political careers. His fear is confirmed by his spending on the study of the native to understand them better and offer opinions and recommendation on how to establish a working relationship.5 However, Lewis and Clark had cordial and well intentions to the local natives. For example, Clark argued that the native belonged to the Great Chief of the white people. Jefferson though had instructed Lewis and Clark to relate well with the native had his worst among the natives. He feared that they would end his political careers. His fear is confirmed by his spending on the study of the native to understand them better and offer opinions and recommendation on how to establish a working relationship.However, Lewis and Clark had cordial and well intentions to the local natives. For example, Clark argued that the native belonged to the 'Great chief of the white people.' For them, they did not fear the Native American but saw opportunities in their rich culture and settlements.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Museum art techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Museum art techniques - Essay Example The viewing audience enjoys the history of origin of man and major social transitions that has characterized various generations. In regard to Alpers’ opinion, art is an integral part of human history. Duncan rekindles the past memories on the ancient world and the series of changes that characterize the society through generations. In other words, some of the past cultural aspects of various communities are represented by museum artifacts. Comparative analysis of ancient civilization and modern culture between the west and the rest of the world generally offers a ritual connectivity. In essence, Museums constitutes structures that are associated with past cultural norms and special building in which artifacts and records are kept. Although viewing is done by people of diverse socio-economic and political backgrounds, the aim is always homogeneous. This mostly lies in the curious nature of man to explore and experience diversity of humanity. The concept of museum entails various issues that include religious artifacts, communal art and connotation of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Corporate Social Responsibility Program In A Company Business Essay
A Corporate Social Responsibility Program In A Company Business Essay In todays highly competitive business world, corporations want to do everything to survive and grow. Corporate Social Responsibility is now part of daily business practice of many companies in the world, but this idea is not shared by everyone. There are still lots of debate about whether Corporate Social Responsibility is merely a cost to the corporation or it can bring competitive advantages. With proper analysis and implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility can greatly enhance corporations competitive advantage. 1.Introduction Corporate social responsibility becomes popular in the late 20th century. As consumers became more and more aware of corporate activities around the world, a growing number of corporations began to consider their impacts on the society and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) basically means that a corporation does more for wellbeing of others than make more money and obeys the law sense. In depth, CSR (also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable responsible business/ Responsible Business) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance within the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. CSR is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the companys actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders [1]. Corporate social responsibility involves marketing philosophies, policies, procedures and actions whose primary objective is the enhancement of the society [2]. To establish a corporate social responsibility program in a company, a description of the program in the companys mission statement and code of ethics is usually required. Also, company need to making the existence of the program known to the stakeholders and other interested parties. These programs often produce such benefits as improved customer relationships, increased employee loyalty, market place success and improved financial performance. Companies can benefit from their contributions to the society and at the same time minimize social environment impact. Social responsibility demands that organizations accept obligations to give equal weight to profits, consumer satisfaction and social well- being in evaluating their companys performance. They must recognize the importance of relatively qualitative consumer and social benefit as well as the quantitative measure of sales, revenue and profit by which companies have traditionally measured marketing performance. Competitive advantage is a set of unique features of a company and its products are perceived by the target market as a significant and superior to the competition. It is the factor or factors that cause consumers to patronize a company and not the competition. The purpose of corporate social responsibility as a tool for competitive advantage is to win the fidelity of the community as a result of the intense and keen competition among the industries. The practices of the CSR create a symbiotic relationship between the company and the community within which it operates, therefore giving them the insight about the importance and the need to be socially sensitive. The following are Corporate Social Responsibility issues: Employee issues in workplace, health and safety work environment. Issues with customer in market place Social development Risk Management Brand differentiation Aspect and well treatments in workplace Issue in community There are four Different types of Corporate Social Responsibility: Environmental CSR: businesses need to operate in ways that are not waste environmentally. Once considered the cost of doing business, encourage corporations to operating procedures to reduce environmental impact, and government has stepped in to apply rules to waste disposal. Community based CSR: businesses work with other organizations in order to improve people life quality in the community. Also use the most efficient procedures to minimize wasted capital. HR based CSR: placed corporations in a precarious position that improve the wellbeing of the staff. Philanthropy: businesses take the form of investments in the community. Common examples of corporate philanthropy include donate money to supporting or fully funding educational initiatives, scholarship programs and community beautification projects. 2. CSR Brings Competitive Advantages The benefits of CSR for a corporation can vary depending on the business nature of the corporation. There is correlation between social/environmental performance and financial performance [3]. CSR can bring following competitive advantages to the company: Human resources A CSR program can be an aid to recruitment and retention, particularly within the competitive graduate student market[4]. Potential recruits often ask about a firms CSR policy during an interview, and having a comprehensive policy can give an advantage. CSR can also help improve the perception of a company among its staff, particularly when staff can become involved through payroll giving, fundraising activities or community volunteering. CSR has been found to encourage customer orientation among frontline employees . First CSR placed corporations in a precarious position that improve the wellbeing of the staff, it satisfied employees. Satisfy employee safety needs. Ensure employees job security, provide them their safety needs( physical health, job security ). Employees feel satisfy with physical safety needs. Their medical insurance and financial meet their safety needs. Employees feel more satisfied with a stable work. 1. Satisfied employees. Employees want to feel proud of the organization they work for. An employee with a positive attitude towards the company, is less likely to look for a job elsewhere. It is also likely that you will receive more job applications because people want to work for you. More choice means a better workforce. Because of the high positive impact of CSR on employee wellbeing and motivation, the role of HR in managing CSR projects is significant. Mutual respect create a welcoming company culture, it can satisfy employees belonging needs (ex. friendship, social integration, family and romantic relationships). Giving employees the freedom to socialize. Allow employees to build relationships at work but provide guidance by implementing workplace discrimination policies and leading by example when it comes to avoiding workplace politics. Reward high performers publicly and provide employees with personally rewarding challenges to satisfy their esteem needs. Esteem needs include respect from others, a sense of achievement and confidence in ones abilities. Set the tone in your organization by speaking personally with as many of your employees as possible. Encourage employees and recognize rising stars in your company for their outstanding achievements. Make sure everyone has a chance to earn rewards and receive encouragement to maintain a sense of fairness among employees. Institute comprehensive employee development programs and provide ample opportunity for career growth in your company to satisfy employees self-actualization needs. Self actualization is the highest order of needs in Maslows hierarchy. Self actualization has to do with discovering ones identity, which includes developing a career that fully leverages ones strengths and experience while providing a sense of accomplishment and inner fulfillment. Nonprofit organizations can satisfy employees self-actualization needs more readily than for-profit companies, as they provide employees with opportunities to use their skills to help people in need. For-profit businesses can satisfy this need as well, however, by placing top performers in positions of leadership, responsibility and accountability. Risk management Managing risk is a central part of many corporate strategies. Reputations that take decades to build up can be ruined in hours through incidents such as corruption scandals or environmental accidents. These can also draw unwanted attention from regulators, courts, governments and media. Building a genuine culture of doing the right thing within a corporation can offset these risks. Consumers increasingly dont accept unethical business practices or organisations who act irresponsibly. Advances in social media (giving everyone a voice) mean that negative or destructive practices quickly fuel conversations online. Organisations are accountable for their actions like never before. Brand differentiation In crowded marketplaces, companies strive for a unique selling proposition that can separate them from the competition in the minds of consumers. CSR can play a role in building customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values.[20] Several major brands, such as The Co-operative Group, The Body Shop and American Apparel[21] are built on ethical values. Business service organizations can benefit too from building a reputation for integrity and best practice. 2. Satisfied customers Research shows that a strong record of CSR improves customers attitude towards the company. If a customer likes the company, he or she will buy more products or services and will be less willing to change to another brand. Relevant research: IBM study Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility: The majority of business executives believes that CSR activities are giving their firms competitive advantage, primarily due to favorable responses from consumers. Better Business Journey, UK Small Business Consortium: 88% of consumers said they were more likely to buy from a company that supports and engages in activities to improve society. 3. Positive PR CSR provides the opportunity to share positive stories online and through traditional media. Companies no longer have to waste money on expensive advertising campaigns. Instead they generate free publicity and benefit from worth of mouth marketing. 4. Costs reductions Yes, you read this correctly. A CSR program doesnt have to cost money. On the contrary. If conducted properly a company can reduce costs through CSR. Companies reduce costs by: More efficient staff hire and retention Implementing energy savings programs Managing potential risks and liabilities more effectively Less investment in traditional advertising 5. More business opportunities A CSR program requires an open, outside oriented approach. The business must be in a constant dialogue with customers, suppliers and other parties that affect the organization. Because of continuous interaction with other parties, your business will be the first to know about new business opportunities. 6. Long term future for your business CSR is not something for the short term. Its all about achieving long term results and business continuity. Large businesses refer to: shaping a more sustainable society (Vodafone 2010 report): License to operate Corporations are keen to avoid interference in their business through taxation or regulations. By taking substantive voluntary steps, they can persuade governments and the wider public that they are taking issues such as health and safety, diversity, or the environment seriously as good corporate citizens with respect to labour standards and impacts on the environment. Win new business Increase customer retention Develop and enhance relationships with customers, suppliers and networks Attract, retain and maintain a happy workforce and be an Employer of Choice Save money on energy and operating costs and manage risk Differentiate yourself from your competitors Generate innovation and learning and enhance your influence Improve your business reputation and standing Provide access to investment and funding opportunities Generate positive publicity and media opportunities due to media interest in ethical business activities First CSR placed corporations in a precarious position that improve the wellbeing of the staff, it satisfied employees. Satisfy employee safety needs. Ensure employees job security, provide them their safety needs ( physical health, job security ). Employees feel satisfy with physical safety needs. Their medical insurance and financial meet their safety needs. Employees feel more satisfied with a stable work. Mutual respect create a welcoming company culture, it can satisfy employees belonging needs (ex. friendship, social integration, family and romantic relationships). Giving employees the freedom to socialize. Allow employees to build relationships at work but provide guidance by implementing workplace discrimination policies and leading by example when it comes to avoiding workplace politics. CRS care about employees Esteem needs, corporate reward high performers and provide employees challenges personally rewarding. It satisfied employees esteem needs with respect from others, achievement feeling and confidence. Encourage rising stars with outstanding achievements from employees in the company. CRS make sure business has a fairness environment for employee; everyone has a chance to earn rewards and encouragement. CSR provide employee training programs and provide opportunity for career growth in your company. It satisfies employees realization needs. Organizations provide opportunity to help them developing a career keep them use their strengths and experience to reach accomplishment. Corporate Social Responsibility can satisfy employees self-actualization needs more than non CRS companies, as employees get opportunities to use their skills to help people in need. Employees like to work in a Corporate Social Responsibility; they feel proud of the organization they work for. They receive respect and help in needs from CSR. Employee work in CRS Company always has positive attitude towards the company, they are less likely to look for a job in the other place. By the other side, CSR Company receives more job applications because people want to work for CRS. Because of the advantage of CSR with employee satisfaction on wellbeing and motivation, the HR managing of CSR is significant. Businesses with social responsibility also get in better workforce. Second, Corporate Social Responsibility enhance Customer Satisfaction Customers are god of business. Customer satisfaction is not only social responsibility issue and also profitability issue! Put time and resource to understand the customer perspective to build strong and effective customer relations is important to build long term success. Corporate social responsibility business try to listening to customers to building good customer relations, Many businesses put their customers satisfaction as their expectations, and also include those factors in service, price, quality, value, product in order to improve their customer relations, build goodwill and keeping continuous improvement of the customer experience. With effectively listening to customers and acting upon their feedback to meet customer needs and build customer loyalty. With satisfied customers can gain more repeat business. Build Trust, advertise Honest, tell the Truth, make honor Promises, Responsive, commitments with integrity can help business build customer trust and loyalty. It is a major success factor to build corporate reputation as the quality of products and services building customer trust on products and services in the company is the critical idea to build a successful business. Since CRS have more satisfied employee, they build customer confidence with stronger customer-employee relationships. Bring in more business benefits, build brand and reputation. Building market share with customer attraction and retention Engaged and loyal customers can help position your business for growth and profitability. Resources research shows that a strong record of CSR improves customers attitude towards the company. It customer likes CRS company; customer would like buy more products or services from company with CRS, and will be less willing to change to another brand. Relevant research: IBM study Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility: The majority of business executives believes that CSR activities are giving their firms competitive advantage, primarily due to favorable responses from consumers. Better Business Journey, UK Small Business Consortium: 88% of consumers said they were more likely to buy from a company that supports and engages in activities to improve society. 3. CRS equals PR The short answer is PR can be both a blessing and a curse to CSR. It is a matter of which comes first and what is the intention. Done properly and with a company that embraces the strategic and integrated nature of CSR, PR is a vehicle of sharing with the world the progress they are making, or what the world may not know about them. Done improperly, for example when CSR is seen by the company as a marketing problem, the latest market fad, or a PR fix PR is tantamount to greenwashing the sins of a company. True CSR guides the company away from making the sins or mitigating them in the first place. CSR should be an integrated, sustainable, and systematic approach to business. It belongs as a core component to the strategies and structure of companies. CSR is about being good corporate citizens to all stakeholders stockholders, employees, customers, community, supply chain, and the environment. It is the old social contract idea, the right to exist as a company. It is about the sustainability of the business through integrity and smart business decisions that recognize and integrate the impact on and influence of all stakeholders. I like CSR Internationals reworking of the CSR acronym as Corporate Sustainability Responsibility as it speaks to the integrational aspects of CSR. They are calling it CSR 2.0. Companies who do not understand that CSR is about business sustainability and integrity as much as it is about social programs, often make the mistake of making CSR a marketing or PR program/problem. By doing so they essentially green-wash their company. In my opinion, PR should lightly handle CSR initiatives until the CSR program has momentum and there is something to actually celebrate and brag about. Celebrating decency and expected behavior is not good PR on CSR. It is artificial and could cause more harm than good. PR should let the public know that there is a CSR program, that there will be a report, and what some of the programs are that are under development, or highlight ongoing/historical CSR efforts. Report on the activities but not out of proportion to the other activities of the company. As a career long change agent, I know that steering change in organizations takes time, embedding, and momentum. New CSR programs take time to mature and years to yield significant, sustainable results though quite often there are substantial shifts that occur in the first year. What you measure gets paid attention to. So often the first steps of CSR is measurement taking an inventory on where the company stands with respect their impact on society, economy, and the environment. This is often accomplished through a GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) checklist report or a GHG (Green House Gas) report. This is merely a starting point. The true test of sustainability and a company committed to CSR is history of improvement and performance. Unfortunately these initial documents tend to be fodder for PR and Marketing departments, which in their need for short term results and fantastic figures tend to overstate or understate the findings as they try to make the company look good. In CSR, however, the proof is in the year-to-year changes, the response from stakeholders, the integrity of the companies actions and words. CSR is about smart business practices. It is about constant improvement and integrity. PR is about reporting on the events as they occur or showcasing a history of events and trending. The danger is when the showcasing precedes the actual work. Copyright  ©2009 Matthew Rochte, Opportunity Sustainabilityà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ Share with attribution Opportunity Sustainabilityà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ is a Midwest-based sustainability and corporate responsibility consulting firm specializing in green innovation and seeing opportunities where others see burdens. Matthew Rochte, an experienced, operations-based sustainability consultant, works with company management to navigate and realize the opportunities in taking their company green and growing sustainably. CSR provides the opportunity to share positive stories online and through traditional media. Companies no longer have to waste money on expensive advertising campaigns. Instead they generate free publicity and benefit from worth of mouth marketing. 4. Costs reductions Yes, you read this correctly. A CSR program doesnt have to cost money. On the contrary. If conducted properly a company can reduce costs through CSR. Companies reduce costs by: More efficient staff hire and retention Implementing energy savings programs Managing potential risks and liabilities more effectively Less investment in traditional advertising 5. More business opportunities A CSR program requires an open, outside oriented approach. The business must be in a constant dialogue with customers, suppliers and other parties that affect the organization. Because of continuous interaction with other parties, your business will be the first to know about new business opportunities. 6. Long term future for your business CSR is not something for the short term. Its all about achieving long term results and business continuity. Large businesses refer to: shaping a more sustainable society (Vodafone 2010 report): Will CSR bring Competitive Disadvantage? There is argument against corporate social responsibility states that corporate social responsibility cause competitive disadvantage since it cost company money and time but didnt bring any profit. They argues that social responsibility works should be carried out by government. Or all corporations or industries should be subject to same requirement. Most companies reluctant to practice CSR complaining the disadvantage CSR causes against companies that do not practice. In other words, if company A pay for environmental programs, employee training and efficient waste management programs and company B does not, company B retains its resources, including money, for other business pursuits. Therefore, without strict industry wide standard, some companies argue that they are not willing to put money into CSR programs. But any expenses on CSR are ultimately covered by stronger relationships with key customers. Conclusions In todays fast paced world, each business needs to have a CSR program. If CSR is not yet used in business daily practice, it is easy to lose the trust of the business important people. The expectations of your staff, customers and will be changed. Consumers dont accept unethical or irresponsibly business behavior. Negative or destructive practices are very easy to spread in social media (everyone know it). Carefully implemented CSR policies can help organization. Increase customer retention; develop and enhance relationships with customers, suppliers and networks; maintain a happy work force ; save money on operating costs and manage risk; differentiate yourself from competitors; improve business reputation and standing. In todays digital, fast speed world, each business, small or big, needs to have a CSR program in place. If CSR is not yet part of your daily business practice, you must act fast. Or else youll loose the trust of the people who are important to your business. Believe it or not but the expectations of your staff, customers and the wider community have changed. You are no longer in control. They are.
Friday, October 25, 2019
What a Christian Believes about Anthropology Essay -- essays research
What a Christian Believes about Anthropology      â€Å"Anthropology in general refers to any study of the status, habits, customs, relationships and culture of humankind. In a more specific and theological sense, anthropology sets forth the scriptural teachings about humans as God’s creatures. Christian anthropology recognizes that humans are created in God’s image but that sin has in some way negatively affected that image†(Grenz, Guetzki, and Nordling 11). In other words, anthropology is the study of how God created us uniquely in his image, and how sin affected the image.      On the sixth day, God made male and female in his image, and he saw that it was very good (Genesis 1:27, 31). The Bible continues to tell the story of how God made us. He made Adam from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him. After that, God took one of Adam’s ribs and made Eve. The Adam and Eve walked with God. The Bible does not go into much detail to explain the creation process or any other part of creation. God wanted us to know how we are unique and wonderful and that we are supposed to have a relationship with Him. â€Å"We are the only earthly creatures whose essence is more that physical; man alone has a soul or spirit and is thus a combination of matter and spirit†(Cottrell 149). The fact that we have a soul is one way we are like God. No other creature has a soul or can tell right from wrong. Starting in Genesis, and throughout the w...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Rehabilitation or Retribution? Essay
The expectations of society for the criminal justice system are to punish and rehabilitate individuals who have committed crime. Punishment and rehabilitation are two acknowledged objectives of the criminal justice system, Retribution, which is based on â€Å"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth†philosophy, simply means punishment and vengeance for what evils have done. While rehabilitation, as Nicholas Tan (1999) noted that â€Å"is the idea of ‘curing’ an offender of his or her criminal tendencies, of changing their habits, their outlook and possibly even personality, so as to make them less inclined to commit crimes in the future†, the main aim of rehabilitation is to help prisoners to get some skills in prison, so that when they re-enter into society, they can adapt quickly to the new environment. Debates over these two notions have lasted for a long time, many would argue that the main purpose of prison systems is to punish people who have committed criminals. While this should be the secondary function of prisons, the most important function should be rehabilitating criminals back to the society, not just retribution. As a recent survey showed that over 60 percent respondents agreed that prison should reform prisoners, rather than punish them (Human Rights and Justice Studies, 2000). In this essay, it will argue that rehabilitation is a more efficient way to help prisoners rather than retribution by illustrating advantages of rehabilitation. Some theorists throughout history have argued that the primary purpose of prisons is to punish criminals for what they have done, criminals should get punished when they break the law. When they are sent into prisons, as punishment, they certainly do not have rights to watch TV, access to internet and so on. However, some people may disagree with this, because going into prison is already a punishment, criminals have already lost their freedom, they should not suffer extra punishment by being denied other human rights while in prison. After all, punishment is not the ultimate goal of prisons, redemption from sin is the basic aim of prisons. The root of all crime is due to the lack of education and training, if prisons prevent offenders from receiving education or learning information from outside, then after released, they may feel alienated from society and not be accepted by society, and employers will not employ those who do not have knowledge or job skills which will deteriorate the situation of recidivism. Therefore, rehabilitation should be the main purpose of prisons, for it promotes the humanizing belief in the notion that offenders can be saved and not simply punished (Nicholas. T.,1999). However, some people are afraid that if allow prisoners to receive education or access to internet may provide an environment to make better criminals. Whereas Dr Paul Fauteck (2006) argued that the prison education programs are not â€Å"coddling criminals†, society in general benefits from prison education programs. The basic aim of receiving education in prisons is to help them reintegrate and rehabilitate into society, so that they will not be alienated from society. Receiving education in prisons does not necessarily suggest prisoners will commit high technological crime after they get released, in other words, the possibilities for offenders to commit high technological crime after they receive prison education are quite remote, after all, in some cases, prisoners can be educated to understand why their actions were wrong, and be allowed back into normal society with the possibility of positively effecting society (Wikia, Inc., 2007). Contrarily, if prisons do not provide educational materials, then the possibilities for recidivism will be very great because of the rejection of society. While some dissenters controvert that rehabilitation is not efficient on helping criminals, because statistics have shown that more than half criminals got rearrested after they released about two or three years. In fact, criminal rehabilitation works to reduce recidivism, it is a cost efficient form of crime prevention (Paul. F, 2006). For example, some medicine could work to cure some offenders, and indeed, the most recent studies show that they do work. Such programs include pro-social modeling programmes, and some sex-offender treatment programs. This research demonstrates that the net effect of treatment is, on average, a positive reduction of overall recidivism (re-offending) rates of between 10% and 12%, which would promote a reduction in crime (Nicholas.T., 1999). From this perspective, it is easy to say that rehabilitation helps to reduce the rate of recidivism, if prisons do not provide these treatments or knowledge, then nothing will ever change. Moreover, rehabilitation can also help them to realize that being in prisons are disastrous which is a good way to stop them re-entering into prisons. Yet, rehabilitation and punishment are mutually exclusive goals, but they become more and more integrated in modern society, since the late 18th century prisons have combined elements of punishment with elements of rehabilitation. As the French philosopher Michel Foucault put it, punishment shifted over time from the disciplining of the body to the disciplining of the â€Å"soul†(, 2007). Therefore, incarceration sentences should provide for a set term of rehabilitation followed by a set term of punishment. Furthermore, rehabilitation and rehabilitation are both important, they should work together to punish and change criminals. To sum up, retribution theory focus more simply on punishment which is very barbaric, and it should not be encouraged in modern society. While the notion of rehabilitation is more humanism and flexible, it can help prisoners by providing education and trainings, so the true aim of prison systems should rehabilitate and reform criminals, not simply punish them. REFERENCES: _Crime_ (2007), cited from Nicholas Tan (1999), _Rehabilitation vs Retribution_, cited from international debate education association, Paul Fauteck (2002-2006), Criminal rehabilitation-criminal recidivism rates, cited from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Suggested Format for a Reflective Journal
Suggested format for a reflective journal Dr Elaine Regan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London This is one of many possibilities, but it will give you some idea of the types of questions that you can usefully ask yourself. Feel free to modify this format to suit your needs. Write a page (or two) for each session, completed by you in order of the sessions. Complete this information after each time you do some work on the course. This includes the formal sessions, the related reading and any other preparation, such as work in groups.Answer only the questions that apply – but think carefully about whether each question applies or not. A Reflective journal/diary is not like an essay! In your notebook you reflect on the academic content of the INQUIRE course/workshop in relation to your professional practice. It can be written in an essay-type prose, with an introduction and conclusion, or it can be a mixture of continuous prose, notes, bullet points etc. The contents should (www. llas. ac. uk/resources/gpg/2395): ? relate the content of a workshop and related reading to your own teaching and personal development support any statements you make with evidence and examples from your reading and from your practice ? refer to insights gained into your practice ? consider the intention to try out new ideas and methods ? identify the need for further exploration of issues ? identify longer-term development What would an unsatisfactory entry be like? ? A description only of content from a workshop and reading ? Little reference to the workshop and related reading ? Generalisations unsupported by evidence or examples of how an insight or opinion came about A satisfactory diary entry would: Review (what happened in the course or something you tried form the course in your teaching) ? Reflect (make sense of what happened) ? Digest (absorb the implications of the learning event and link it with experience, action plans or questions for you to e xplore further) Keep the following page in the front of your notebook to stimulate your thoughts and writing (taken from www. audiencedialogue. net/journal. html). Your name Session date Session number Session topic What did I read for this session (apart from the notes)? What was the most interesting thing I read for this session (mark it above with an asterisk) – why was that?What were three main things I learned from this session? What did I previously think was true, but now know to be wrong? What did we not cover that I expected we should? What was new or surprising to me? What have I changed my mind about, as a result of this session? One thing I learned in this session that I may be able to use in future is†¦ I am still unsure about†¦ Issues that interested me a lot, and that I would like to study in more detail Ideas for action, based on this session†¦ What I most liked about this session was†¦ What I most disliked about this session was†¦ Mis cellaneous interesting facts I learned in this session†¦
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